Friday 17 April 2015

So I'm having a day off in Amboise, a small town with a big castle like so many others along the Loire. All of a sudden the streets are full of Americans and the cycle paths and country lanes busy with Dutchmen and Australians, whereas until Tours I hadn't seen a foreigner on the road at all. I have managed to find a way of writing a new post on my iPhone, which has a very small keypad but at least it's an English one (qwerty). Since the last successful one a lot of things have happened, and a lot of miles covered. The weather has changed again now after about a week of abnormally hot days which tested the metabolism - it was only 3 weeks ago that it was snowing on the way to the airport at Manchester and now I've been walking in temperatures of 26 degrees! I have passed through an extraordinary landscape of grottoes and caves hewn out of the soft tufa, many of which have houses attached or are used for storing wine and cheeses or growing mushrooms. Or even in one case snails. I came across a vigorous 77-year-old who offered me a drink in his house, which he had literally carved out of the rock and added windows and a door. Up a steep flight of steps above the house he had put up a little wooden house on a flat space with a patio, and he told me I could sleep there. The view from the front door early the next day was fantastic, looking down onto the river. I spent one whole day walking through the forest of Chinon, during which I met nobody else walking or cycling and only saw 3 people to say hello to but on the whole there have been plenty of locals out and about. I saw a man yesterday collecting nettles which he said were for mulching his tomato plants to heat them up, and a boy fishing for frogs in a small village pond. On Easter Sunday I found myself at a museum of Lenin memorabilia, which was most bizarre and could easily form the basis of a forthcoming book. Meanwhile there have been birds aplenty: this is a twitchers' paradise as there are so many migratory birds. They love the sandbanks and small islands, even inn the middle of big towns like Tours. I hope to continue on towards Orleans in the next week so am going faster than expected.


  1. Slow down or you'll be finished by May - and we want to join you then! Keep up the blogging.....

    1. I'm trying to slow down and am having another day off in Orleans. Look forward to seeing you soon?both?all?

  2. reminds me of Balzac, Le Cure de Tours. your descriptions are as good a his!
    Have you managed any table tennis? Jadziax

    1. Sadly no tabletennis and am getting fat on French bread

  3. Hi Nick - we sang with you in mind yesterday, at Singing Together - "May the road rise with you, may the wind be at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, may the rain fall soft on your fields in the morn, and until we meet again, until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand"- hope this finds you in good spirits! Louis

  4. Hi Nick,
    I'm back now and catching up with things. Have read through your blogs and am loving your beautiful descriptions of the landscape and people you meet - you are getting very good at this, definiely another book here I reckon! :)
    Thank you too for the honesty of your first blog, and all the feelings going on for you. Personally, I'm sure Angela is there with you, watchng over you, and sharing in the delights of the journey...
    I hope the "training" we did together (ie The Goodmanham Arms (Wolds), The Craven Arms (Dales) is paying off now as you make your way steadily uphill!
    Having walked with you in Italy at the end, I've perhaps a little feel for the daily experience of the walking, and of course I WISH I WAS THERE!!!
    My own trek, to Nepal, was fabulous (see photo album on FB). And of course, it is all in another context now after the awful earthquake...lots to tell you about this when we meet, but this is your blog for your trip!
    I will check out the Everytrail map thing now and let you know what I find...
    And I will give you a ring over the next few days too to catch up and find out where you are at now, geographically and in yourself!
    Take care, my friend, Chris xx

  5. PS Nick, I checked your site on Everytrail, and it doesn't seem to be showing anyting for your current trip, sorry...the 'Day Trip on the Edge of the Wolds' title is there, but no map obviously something not working here so far.....Chris xxx
